Employee Leasing

The State of New Hampshire requires all Employee Leasing Companies to be licensed by the NH Department of Labor.

In order to become licensed, Employee Leasing Companies must comply with the requirements of RSA 277-B and the associated New Hampshire Administrative Rules, Chapter Lab 1500. An application form must be submitted to the NH Department of Labor, accompanied with a number of required attachments.

A surety bond is also required from each Employee Leasing Company. The surety bond is required to guarantee payments of employee wages and benefits in the event the Employee Leasing Company fails in its responsibility. The surety bond must be executed with required signatures and countersigned by a New Hampshire Insurance Agent if it is executed outside the State of New Hampshire.

The forms needed for Employee Leasing Companies to do business in the state of New Hampshire are listed below under Applicable Forms and Publications.

The form for Notification of Employee Leasing Company Client Addition or Termination is not available for download. This form is provided only after a company is licensed. To request this form, please contact the Department of Labor by telephone at (603) 271-3585.

Many New Hampshire employers lease their employees back from a licensed Employee Leasing Company. Employers should confirm that the Employee Leasing Company they wish to do business with is licensed. You may view a current list of licensed Employee Leasing Companies using the link found below under Applicable Links. Please contact the NH Department of Labor for additional information.

Applicable Laws and Rules

Applicable Forms and Publications

Applicable Links

Contact Information

Administrator, Employee Leasing
Telephone: (603) 271-3585
Toll-Free: (800) 272-4353
Fax: (603) 271-0126

New Hampshire Department of Labor
95 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301