Request for Payment of Wages Other than Weekly or Biweekly

Welcome to the State of New Hampshire Department of Labor's Request for Payment of Wages Other Than Weekly or Biweekly online application.

We are in the process of redesigning this web site and migrating it to the State's server. The online application form to request permission to pay wages other than weekly or biweekly is not yet available. In the interim we request you follow the process below. Thank you for your patience.

There are presently two options for submitting a request to pay wages other than weekly or biweekly:

Option One:

Mailing Address:

Wage & Hour Administrator
New Hampshire Department of Labor
95 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301

Option Two:

Telephone or email the Inspection Division at Department of Labor to have a request form mailed to you to complete and return.

Telephone Number: (603) 271-0127
Email Address:

In order to pay employees differently than the law allows, an employer must have written approval from NH Department of Labor. (RSA 275:43 and New Hampshire Administrative Rules Chapter LAB 803.02 Payment of Wages and Requirements of Employees)

Do not begin paying wages other than weekly or biweekly until you have received approval from the NH Department of Labor or you will be subject to civil penalties.