Youth Employment
The State of New Hampshire declared that it is the policy of the State to foster the employment of young people while, at the same time, provide the necessary safeguards based on age.
To avoid penalties, make sure your employment of minors meets all the requirements of federal and/or state child labor laws. Federal and state child labor laws generally prohibit minors from working excessive hours, operating unsafe machinery, and working in dangerous occupations. These laws were adopted to protect children. Unfortunately, they are often violated. Despite intensive enforcement efforts by government investigative agencies, effective child labor laws depend on the good-faith cooperation of hiring establishments. You can help by being part of the solution not the problem. A healthier, better-educated, more promising younger generation will be your contribution to the future.
- RSA 276-A Youth Employment
- New Hampshire Administrative Rule Chapter Lab 1000 Youth Employment
The following two federal documents were incorporated into NH Department of Labor Administrative Rule Chapter Lab 1000 Youth Employment, Lab 1003.01 Hazardous Occupations.
- Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation Employment of Minors Between 14 and 16 Years of Age (Child Labor Reg. 3)
- Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation Occupations in Agriculture Particularly Hazardous for the Employment of Children Below the Age of 16