Minimum Wage

RSA 279 Minimum Wage Law

New Hampshire Minimum Wage Law requires that every employer keep a true and accurate record of all hours worked daily by each employee except for employees who are exempt under 29 U.S.C. section 213(a) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Unless otherwise provided by statute, no person, firm or corporation shall employ any employee at an hourly rate lower than that set forth in the federal minimum wage law, which is $7.25. These limitations shall not apply to employees engaged in household labor, domestic labor, farm labor, outside sales representatives, summer camps for minors, newspaper carriers, non-professional ski patrol and golf caddies.

A tipped employee of a restaurant, hotel, motel, inn or cabin who customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips directly from the customer will receive a base rate from the employer of not less than 45 percent of the applicable minimum wage.

Except for employees of employers who are covered by the Fair Labors Standards Act, and seasonal employees of employers operating less than six months, employees shall be paid at the rate of time and one half for all time worked in excess of 40 hours in any week.